Lots of news via Shutter Hub, with not just a wonderful group exhibition, but a book and postcard sets too!

I'm hugely humbled to have my work shared in all of these, amongst many other amazing photographers. The team at Shutter Hub have done a fab job bringing these to fruition, thank you! https://shutterhub.org.uk/

First is the exhibition 'Your body belongs to you' featuring almost 100 women and non-binary photographers in a 24/7 outdoor event in Saint Gilles Croix de Vie, France. This runs from 18 April to 18 September 2022.

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Next, I'm delighted to have an image included in their printed publication 'Yearbook 2021', a great showcase of photography from the previous year, with a companion exhibition online.


Finally, for now, a glorious collectors postcard set will have one of my entries from Shutter Hub's mega compilation of Postcards from Great Britain. You can see an overview of the massive project here.


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